Preterist teaching free download

Preterists ignore the fact in Matthew 24 that it is Israel whom the Lord is rescuing. It is saved Israel, so this is clearly a future event. This is a literal interpretation and one that was not fulfilled in the first century. Preterists believe they are driven to an A. Even though virtually everyone down through church history has held to an A.

The A. Many preterists believe we are beyond the Millennium and currently reside in the new heavens and new earth. Traditionalists, on the other hand, believe the new heavens and new earth refer to the eternal state. If we were in the new heavens and new earth, then the New Testament epistles would not directly apply to believers today because they were written to instruct Christians how to live between the two comings of Christ.

Since preterists often employ an allegorical rather than a literal hermeneutic, some do not believe in a literal interpretation of the book of Genesis or in young Earth creationism and a global flood. Further, some no longer hold to a personal Devil or angels, whether elect or evil, or a literal hell.

Some within the emerging church, like Brian McLaren, are attracted to Preterism. More within that movement, however, tend to idealism; 4 but none support a literal interpretation of the Bible. The sealed scroll Christ took from the right hand of God in heaven Rev.

Christ will take possession and rule Earth for a literal 1, years from amid a restored nation of Israel. At the conclusion of that Millennium, eternity will begin. Israel has no national future whatsoever. It is not surprising that most preterists do not support the modern State of Israel and tend to be sympathetic to Palestinian propaganda.

Prognosis For the last years, the Bible-study movement in America has taught that Scripture reveals a future for national Israel. It has taught Premillennialism that Christ will return before His literal, 1,year reign on Earth begins and a pretribulational Rapture Christians will be removed from Earth before the Great Tribulation. During the last 25 years, however, there has been a steady decline of systematic Bible study and teaching within evangelicalism.

Today evangelicalism has moved away from the belief that we can understand what the Bible says if we interpret it literally. Instead, it emphasizes what interpreters believe about the Bible. The postmodern mindset that has descended on too many American evangelicals predisposes them toward a less-literal, subjective hermeneutic where readers make the Bible relevant to themselves and their culture, rather than desiring to understand what God intended so that they may change their personal lives and cultures to correspond with timeless biblical standards.

The result is not the destruction of a city by siege but eternal punishment with the devil. What did Jesus mean by a Day of Judgment for Gentile cities? When would Sodom and Gomorrha be judged in the future? It was surely not in 70 A. The destruction of Jerusalem did not have any effect on these cities, past or then present. When did the Day of Judgment affecting the Athenians occur?

In Acts , Paul declared that God had made Jesus judge of the world. The destruction of Jerusalem did not have any effect on Athens or other Gentile cities. Jesus and Paul had different audiences. They spoke at different times to different men with different messages. Paul was apostle to the Gentiles Rom ; ; Ac ; ; Gal ; For differences between Jesus and Paul: Jesus or Paul?

Preterism Refuted By Itself Baptism is obsolete! These hypocrites are baptized and tell others to do so, which is a clear and powerful symbol of the future resurrection of the dead! Paul argued, if there is no future resurrection of the dead, baptism had no role or value. Or, if the resurrection was between I Cor 15 and now, baptism has no role or value today! Paul illustrated this inspired means of reasoning with preterist heretics — their eschatological error ruined the simple gospel ordinance of water baptism by immersion!

Communion is obsolete! If you met a consistent preterist their chosen name , they must reject communion, for they would not keep communion with this apostolic goal of a future coming after 70 A. Marriage is obsolete! Since Jesus taught there is no marriage in the resurrection Matt , and since Preterists teach the resurrection occurred in 70 A. In what sense are preterists like the angels, since Jesus declared this would be the result of the resurrection?

But we have not met a single preterist with a single similarity! Death is destroyed! II Tim These jokers play games with scripture, but we deny their absurd and profane claims. When will their Second Adam undo the effects of the first Adam? They are ridiculous! No judgment for rejecting Preterism. Since there is no future judgment, for it occurred in 70 A. The implications of no future accountability or judgment, which preterists hold as part of their heterodoxy, may be used to ridicule them numerous different ways.

There will never be another Paul, for no one will or should labor as diligently, since there is no resurrection as reward I Cor or judgment as incentive II Cor The judgment seat of Christ and other warnings of accountability and judgment are past.

Perspicuity of Scripture. Is scripture clear and understandable? If preterists are right, no one had a clue about the Bible until a few wild radicals today. Preterists hold that every N. If no one believed Preterist conclusions before now, how can the Bible ever be rightly understood, since all the saints for years had no clue of what preterists teach? This point is even truer now, since none of scripture applies to us living beyond 70 A.

No one in the first century believed preterist fulfillments, for they looked to the future, as this document proves, thus preserving the perspicuity and integrity of scripture. A very quick Millennium! Preterists say John wrote Revelation about 65 A. Remember, they are sticklers for timing phrases … except here, where they are caught! Applying their dogmatic arrogance, there is no way years occurred in 5 years! Why do Preterists labor? Since the resurrection is the reward for labor on earth I Cor , and since Preterists follow Hymenaeus in saying that the resurrection is past, how can it be a reward for those living after 70 A.

Paul believed and taught the resurrection of his body was a great reward II Cor He was not satisfied to go to heaven in his spirit and be without his body for eternity. Of course, since there was no resurrection of dead bodies in 70 A. Ministerial Succession. Since most of what Paul wrote was about 70 A. An Overreaction.

New drivers may over-steer to avoid danger in one direction, so can undisciplined Bible students overreact when leaving heresy. Futurism is an extreme — every prophecy is for the future — requiring much correction. But turning too sharply from one error can easily point you in the direction of another. Audience Exclusivity.

Many preterists were or are Campbellites; they have heard a foolish little ditty as children that runs like this: the Bible means what it says and says what it means. Sound good? They claim Paul believed he would be caught up in the air at the coming of Jesus Christ by including himself in the first person, plural pronoun we I Thessalonians But Paul also used we for being dead and raised and changed in I Cor and !

Audience relevance. Preterists assume and argue that all original audiences of N. They do this to magnify the value of their timing sound bites of at hand and such like. If this point of theirs is true, then the Bible has been quite worthless for two millennia. Preterists Unchanged. Their games in the word of God about 70 A.

Their Christ is quite powerless, for His coming did nothing at all except to a little city. Is Partial-Preterism Possible? A partial preterist interpreting Revelation as a first-century prophecy due to so-called timing statements may end up a full preterist or be inconsistent.

They are clearly wrong by Daniel 7 and II Thess 2. Association with Universalism. The history and nature of preterism includes connections with universalism.

Research indicates a connection. By forcing certain prophecies e. Romans and I Corinthians 15 to have different meanings than intended, it is only inconsistency that keeps preterists from universalism. Church of Christ preterists like Max and Tim King are universalists by their doctrine. If the law of sin and death was destroyed in 70 A.

Preterism tends toward arrogance, as is often admitted, which is a grave danger, especially when you deny the resurrection of the dead. It takes conceit to blow off all the faith and learning of Christians for years and concoct a scheme that turns many well-known passages upside down Prov When the general depth of learning and study is quoting sound bites their timing texts to prove the overthrow of the N.

Parousia is a deceitful distraction. Why use the word? Tell the truth or lie in English, but do not lie to me in Greek or any other lost language. The word simply and only means the second coming of Jesus Christ. Why complicate it? Do not use the word, as Russell does times, to imply an event more than a coming.

This superstitious obsession with a word includes the Sabbatarians with advent, Pentecostals with charisma, Reformed with their solas, etc. Preterists are condemned by association. Examining their doctrine and practice in church history shows them aligned with heretics, not the orthodox. First, they are quasi-gnostic. For two reasons. The first is that they do not believe the physical body, or physical world, is important enough to be redeemed from corruption.

Second, they believe their full-preterist gnosis has been hidden from the whole Christian community for two millennia, and that only they have seen the light, starting with J. Stuart Russell in the late nineteenth century. The rest of benighted Christendom has missed it. A second naughty name to apply to the consistently foolish preterists is quasi-Manichean. The original Manicheans believed that evil existed coeternally with the good, and since we are now in the preterist universe as it shall always be, we have evil and good coexistent.

A third naught name is quasi-liberal. Whether politics or religion, the liberal operates from the dark side. Heretical preterists differ from liberals in some areas. Hyperpreterists believe in the virgin birth, the inerrancy of Scripture, the physical resurrection of Jesus, etc.

But notice how many beliefs they have in common with theological liberals: 1 no visible return of Jesus, 2 no physical resurrection of the believer, 3 no Judgment Day at the end of the world, 4 the world will go on forever and ever until it peters out, 5 the devil is not active today in the world, and 6 the miraculous is not active today in the church.

For the four points above and similar reasoning, see here. Preterism Refuted by Scripture This is not a repeat of preterism refuted by the gospel above. The Scriptures have stated or implied features and purposes that deny the validity of preterism. Bible Traps. God inspired scripture to conceal truth from enemies and reveal it to saints.

Preterist sound bites of first century imminency, various comings of the Lord, and the crucial need for right divisions are a few examples. The Bible seems to teach heresies, which trip the ungodly and unlearned II Peter Consider verses implying baptism saves, salvation can be lost, an Arminian gospel, etc. For extensive proof of this point, that the Bible is written to confuse those approaching it incorrectly, see. Since Paul in II Thess and Peter in II Peter deny preterist imminency verses, then we know the imminent sound bites they scrounge up are there for their destruction.

Why does the Bible describe multiple comings of Christ? To confuse the presumptuous. Where did Paul command to rightly divide the scriptures? When he condemned the first preterist — Hymenaeus II Tim ! Rightly dividing scripture. Paul gave a valuable rule of hermeneutics that can save you from the preterist penchant to combine similar things II Tim Paul would not have told Timothy to divide scripture unless there were divisions needed.

The context of this interpretive rule is the heresy of Preterism introduced by Hymenaeus. Similar or identical words may not mean the same thing in different places or contexts. Consider different ways God or Jesus can come. For example, signs and wonders in Matt 24 and II Thess 2 do not require the same event. There are many kinds of death and resurrection in the Bible; they must be rightly divided. The author has much more material on this valuable point in his outline of hermeneutics. It also sounds more legitimate to never divide, but to connect all same or similar words.

Yet, the rule from heaven for scripture is plain to please God and avoid doctrinal shame. Preterism rejects the obvious divisions of coming events, for they are not all the same. Comparing spiritual things with spiritual. An interpretive rule of the Bible is to compare the words and concepts of the Spirit to arrive at truth I Cor The Holy Spirit often used words with spiritual or other senses different than our usage. Preterists, especially J. Stuart Russell, are obsessed with natural comparisons of words.

Similar or even identical words do not mean different passages or events are the same. For example, the O. Importance of Daniel. Rather than speculate on the symbols of Revelation, students of prophetic interpretation should start with Daniel and move forward. It is very common for foolish novices to ask many unlearned questions from Revelation. It would be better for them to read Daniel and build up some prophetic interpretive skills. Jesus said knowing Daniel would help understanding of the Olivet discourse Mat Preterism denies its own hermeneutic.

No one yells louder and longer about the plain and literal meaning of words than preterists, but they are inconsistent. Preterists demand that at hand means tomorrow, for their house of cards is based on this and other sound bites of imminency, yet they will violently corrupt it in II Thess Preterist audience relevance reduces the Bible to a confused history book. If they cannot find a timing text, they limit passages to the writer and his primary readers.

Their idea of I John required Jesus to appear while John and his audience were living, or John would have written about future Christians being like Him and seeing Him, and they say this without regard for years of non-preterist believers taking it personally. How about Moses? His direct hearers never came close to the prophecy Deut Thus the Bible is reduced by necessity to a book without a word for saints for years!

If all expectant passages have already been fulfilled, what has been left for years? If audience relevance is a proper rule of hermeneutics, then Isaiah would have Jesus coming and dying in the 7th century B.

Yet it cannot be argued, that Joseph concluded that the redemption out of Egypt would be in that generation. Paul wrote Corinth about Jesus dying for our sins I Cor and we shall all be changed I Cor , which is equally extensive in both places — all Jesus died for shall be changed!

To limit either one of these statements to the Corinthians only is absurd. The facts — no occurrence of the needed events in the first century — prove them wrong. What good is Scripture? Since all important things occurred in 70 A. We need a new Bible! Preterism Refuted by Futurism Futurism is not nearly as bad. Preterists are often the result of futurists crawling out of their ditch of error, crossing the road of truth, and falling into a deeper and more heretical ditch on the other side.

As bad as futurism is, and it is a harebrained scheme of science fiction speculation with indeterminate gaps stuck into prophetic timelines, it still is not as bad as preterism. Hebrews lists principles of the doctrine of Christ — preterists reject two of them, condemning themselves as not even being Christians in the basic sense of the description.

Preterism denies fundamental axioms of Christianity e. Futurism, while confusing events, aggressively maintains all these tenets of the faith. Fellowship with futurists is possible, but not with preterists. Modern preterism came from Jesuit pens working to distract and divert attention away from the RCC as the antichrist. The man of sin is the most deceived and deceiving character in history II Thess Any connection to Hymenaeus is severe.

Paul did not say anything positive about this doctrine, but he instead censured the heretic and heresy severely. His blasphemous violation of the apostolic faith was an ungodly cancer and profane and vain babblings that subverted and overthrew believers I Tim ; II Tim It denies the principles of the doctrine of Christ.

These axioms of Christianity are necessary for an eschatological scheme to be Christian. It is by these principles of Christ that we can elevate futurism over preterism as Christian. For more on this important point, see argument 1 above, Preterism Denies the Gospel. Preterists are Sadducees. Preterists say they believe in the resurrection, but they deny it Biblically and historically. Bible resurrection is of the body; history proves it yet future; so they make it spiritual.

There is no middle ground. Preterism, by denying basic facts of the Christian faith, must be rejected. It cannot be tolerated in any sense as an alternative. You are either a Christian or a preterist, for they are antithetical and exclude each other. If you are a preterist, you are a heretic. If a heretic, you are to be marked and avoided.

Are Preterists Hymenaean? Hymenaeus was the first preterist regarding the resurrection, and Paul treated him by the Spirit as we should treat preterists. Hymenaeus did not deny the resurrection of Christ, for it was not heresy for it to be past.

Hymenaeus likely did not claim bodily resurrection past, for he himself was yet present. Therefore, we conclude Hymenaeus likely taught a past spiritual raising, like Preterists. We cannot allow preterists to avoid the stigma of this man and his damnable heresy.

Preterism and Universalism are connected. Why are preterism and universalism connected? Both utilize a presumptuous and profane hermeneutic. Though beyond this study, see here. Beyond this study, see here. There is much more information available about this connection to those pursuing it. The spiritualization of passages like Romans and I Corinthians 15 in a 70 A.

What is so bad about universalism? It is historically and hermeneutically anti-Christian. How is preterism less heretical than Mormonism? It is hard to say. Both are fictional accounts of human history with a distorted view of the future. I would they were cut off. How much mercy and patience should we have for preterists? As much as Paul had for the Jewish legalists infecting Galatia!

What did he say about them? I wish they were cut off — meaning their death Gal There is also the desire for them to be exposed and excommunicated Gal ; I Co That the parables and predictions of our Lord had a more direct and exclusive reference to that period than is generally supposed, we readily admit; but we were not prepared for the assignment of all references to a second coming in the New Testament, and even in the Apocalypse itself, to so early a fulfillment.

All that could be said has been said in support of this theory, and much more than ought to have been said. In this the reasoning fails. In order to concentrate the whole prophecies of the Book of Revelation upon the period of the destruction of Jerusalem it was needful to assume this book to have been written prior to that event, although the earliest ecclesiastical historians agree that John was banished to the isle of Patmos, where the book was written, by Domitian, who reigned after Titus, by whom Jerusalem was destroyed.

Apart from this consideration, the compression of all the Apocalyptic visions and prophecies into so narrow a space requires more ingenuity and strength than that of men and angels combined. They are historicists and have provided helpful research and awareness of historicism, but their violent corruption of Daniel 8 and obsession with the Jewish Sabbath render them prophetically dangerous.

Download: Revelation — Word Pictures — A. After downloading the commentaries below, see get Free Romans Bible Commentaries next. Anyone can use them and share them with others for free. Some of these commentaries are published today.

Skip to content Free Revelation commentaries that can be downloaded in seconds are listed below. Free Revelation commentaries Simply click the link to the commentary you want and the download will start immediately. John Wesley John Wesley — was an English evangelist and theologian, who ministered in Europe and America, and founder of Methodist denomination.

In fact, no serious student of Christianity and American history can deny that we have regressed. We have suffered a significant loss in liberty and virtue.

America's Founders would be shocked. Not only can we have a virtuous, orderly, peaceful, and prosperous society without a king, we can have one without "the State" in any form whatsoever. You're shocked at that suggestion, because you have fallen hook, line and sinker for The Biggest Government Lie in the history of the human race. The Big Lie is this:.

Those who oppose anarchists are the Good Guys. Logically or etymologically , those who oppose an-archists are " archists. We want to convince you that " archists " are the bad guys, and " an archists " are the good guys,.

This may be an insurmountable hurdle, because you've been brainwashed by a secular government's compulsory " archist " mis-education. Like all Americans , you have been trained in government-approved schools to believe that an " an archist " is a bad person :. No, this man is an " archist ". We hope you are too. The man above believes in using force to impose his will on others. We believe this is the definition of an archist , not an an archist.

You can't trick me. Everybody knows anarchists are the bad guys. Where did you get this word " archist ," anyway? Answer: From the Bible. I try to get everything from the Bible. We're talking Christian Morality In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10 , Jesus discovers His disciples -- this time it's James and John -- arguing about who is going to be the "greatest" in the Kingdom of God. Each of them wanted to rule over others. Like Peter , James and John did not yet understand that Jesus' Kingdom was quite unlike the kingdoms of the world.

The word translated " rulers " comes from the Greek word from which we derive our English word " an archist. Jesus clearly says His followers are not to be " archists. Jesus did not tell His disciples to pass government laws to impose Christianity on the world by force. In the 20th century, " archists ". A father, a school teacher, or a CEO in the "private sector" could never commit these evils, because they are not " archists.

Jesus says " archists " are not to be looked up to. We are to be " servants. We are to be non - archists. Futurists want to make Jesus an earthly archist , ruling from Jerusalem. Preterists believe that Jesus rejected this job:. Jesus is already King, and our job in this life is to create heaven on earth, and expand the Kingdom of God by peaceful means, through the power of the Holy Sprit.

This means no earthly king is legitimate. King Jesus said we are not to be " archists. And that's why most people will call preterists "anarchists. There are two reasons why you're going to lose this wager. First , as we've said, every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the U.

Constitution would say this about you:. You are a victim of Educational Malpractice. The men who who signed the Declaration of Independence and risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to make America the most prosperous and most admired nation in history would say :. We will change that for you. By transforming you into a Bible-believing Christian preterist, America's Founders would agree you have become. Even though this is a "wager," what we really want is for you to experience the most profound, massive personal transformation of your entire life.

We're really on your side. We're going to make sure you read the Bible, understand the Bible, and become a Bible-believing Christian preterist, and join our movement to repeal the U. Constitution and abolish the government of the United States. Like America's Founders would do if they were here today. But without muskets and cannons. I probably would have been put to death years ago because I'm an anarchist. Not only do I oppose the "divine right of kings," I oppose the entire concept of a human "archy" ruling by force over others.

My brand of non-coercion and proposed abolition of the machinery of compulsion "the State" would have been anathema in centuries past. It is still controversial enough to bar me from any government job, including public school teacher. In our day I would not be allowed to become a Naturalized American Citizen had I been born in a foreign country. But there is a core similarity between our educational program and the one compelled by every government in North America years ago.

The entire concept of "public schools" was created by Bible-believing Christians following the Protestant Reformation in order to make sure every citizen could read the Bible. One of the first public school laws in America is known today as "The Old Deluder Satan Act" because it began with these words:.

It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan , to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures , as in former times by keeping them in an unknown tongue, so in these latter times by persuading from the use of tongues, that so that at least the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded and corrupted with love and false glosses of saint-seeming deceivers; and and to the end that learning may not be buried in the grave of our forefathers, in church and commonwealth the Lord assisting our endeavors.

It is therefore ordered that every township in this jurisdiction, after the Lord hath increased them to fifty households shall forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him to write and read, whose wages shall be paid either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in general Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life John And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of Him Prov.

Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein. That's our Program. Read the Bible twice a day. Get a Harvard education like Samuel Adams. You were denied this kind of Bible-centered Education.

In the early 's, the U. One of the Justices who concurred in this secularization was honest enough to admit that removing religion from public schools was directly contrary to the intentions of America's Founders:. Many territories, when they applied for admission to the union. Nebraska in was the last state to copy these words into their constitution. The Government today prevents students from being taught the Bible, "religion, morality, and knowledge.

This is exactly what The Preterist Bible Bet will do for you. You can compensate for what the federal government denied you as a little boy or girl by enrolling in our year-long online Home-Study program.

I think they would say it is the fact that America is no longer a nation " Under God ," but is an atheistic nation "secular" sounds so much nicer than "atheistic". The nation that once sent missionaries and Bibles around the world is now the world's greatest exporter of weapons and pornography. And the root of this problem is a national system of compulsory atheistic education for all children years of age.

America's Founders would be horrified, outraged, apoplectic. Princeton professor Archibald Hodge saw the trend back in , and sounded this alarm:. I am as sure as I am of Christ's reign that a comprehensive and centralized system of national education, separated from religion, as is now commonly proposed, will prove the most appalling enginery for the propagation of anti-Christian and atheistic unbelief, and of anti-social nihilistic ethics, individual, social and political, which this sin-rent world has ever seen.

What are you doing about this? Of course, you are paying for this propagation of atheism and immorality. Are you doing as much to stop it or counter it as the danger warrants?

Have you taken your own kids out of public schools? But you yourself are still a victim of educational malpractice. You have been denied this education by an imperialist regime that can only be described as " the enemy of mankind.

If they were here today, they would see not only that the "divine right of kings" is an unChristian concept, but the entire concept of "the nation-state" is a complete failure, having been invented by rebels and nowhere commanded or endorsed in the Bible.

If you're like most Americans, you believe the Old Testament is filled with violence and slavery, and cannot be a model for any civilized society today. On the other hand, you've heard that the Jesus of the New Testament was a hippie pacifist wimp, whose advice is totally "unrealistic," "impractical" and "utopian," and cannot possibly be taken seriously in the modern world.

And that means the entire Bible is brushed aside. You look at the world through glasses which are tinted with propaganda saying the Bible is irrelevant and archaic; that "archists" are best qualified to manage your life, including the schools and businesses which make up our society. You are a victim of atheistic educational malpractice. Assuming you already know "the 3 R's," twelve years of colonial American worldview education, covering "religion, morality, and knowledge" can be covered in just 12 months by reading through the entire Bible and four other works which are among the most important works in the history of western civilization, listening to audio lessons on the commute to work and back home in the evening, 20 minutes each way.

I told The Marketing Dept. Quite the contrary, by becoming a follower of Christ the executed an archist , you may lose everything. In our day the "Bill of Rights" means nothing. You may become the object of government surveillance. The FBI or other government intelligence agencies may open a dossier on you and members of your family. Your participation and public affiliation with an " an archist " website may lead to IRS harassment in the form of an audit or other legal inconveniences.

You may be deemed an " enemy combatant. Constitution, you may lose your job because you visit " an archist " websites. I lost my chance to be an attorney.

Your house or place of business may be searched and your assets " forfeited. We cannot be responsible for these eventualities. You have to make the decision: will you be approved by the government, or will you be approved by God? The Bible promises that if you meditate on God's Commandments the basis for the an archist character traits you will be gaining in our program you will prosper:.

Therefore keep the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do. Deuteronomy And keep the charge of the LORD your God: to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn ; 1 Kings He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

Psalm Click here for more promises. America is a unique "laboratory experiment" that proves the benefits of our program of Christian An archism. Imagine a political spectrum with "Christian Anarchism" on one side and " archism " on the other:. Just like America, you may become prosperous and admired as employers, clients, or others see your non- archist character. Conversely, just like America, a person could become bankrupt and despised as one becomes less an archist and more archist.

Do you want to be a Grade "A" Christian? Then you had better avoid being a Grade "Z" Christian with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. It should be obvious by now that you're not going to agree with everything we believe. But if you engage us in the "preterist Bible Bet" Conversation, and give serious thought to the questions we ask, you are going to grow spiritually like you've never grown before. Proverbs Even if you don't become a Christian An archist , going through our program will be a mind-expanding discipline.

Even if you don't want to wear our official " I Lost the Preterist Bible Bet " T-Shirt, you'll still be grateful that you completed our daily assignments.

There is further benefit in the daily study of the Bible. Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of the mind, searching the Scriptures daily , whether these things were so.

Acts Your whole life will be transformed by committing to a daily program to read the Bible as an "anarchist manifesto" in preparation for global change -- not just a "daily devotional" where you flip open the Bible to a page at random to get "inspiration" like a Hallmark Card.

We're talking about a systematic putting-on of the Armor of God to do battle with the forces of totalitarian darkness. A final benefit: Jesus will not vomit you out of His mouth if you become an an archist and repudiate the imposing of your will on others by force. Jesus said we must be " extremists. I could wish you were cold or hot.

Total opposition to "the State" is the fruit of total commitment to God. Serve the L ORD! But as for me and my house, we will serve the L ORD. Mark 12 28 One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that He answered them well, he asked Him, "Which commandment is the first of all? You may have heard the saying, " Power corrupts. Or pretty close. We think he would be if he were here today. Most people who have heard that "power corrupts" have not heard the rest of the paragraph.

Compare what Lord Acton said with what Jesus said:. Jesus Lord Acton You know that those who are considered archists over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Great men are almost always bad men , even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. Why does power corrupt? Because "power" -- being a legal " archist " -- is a license to do harm to others without doing any time. With no consequences, there is no reason not to be an archist.

From being an archist over one's neighbor, it becomes easier to become an archist over millions. The Biggest Government Lie of All Time is that " anarchists " are bad, while those who oppose " anarchists " are good. Are you an Archist? The myth that archists are the good guys pervades every area of our lives. And most of us end up thinking, "If 'they' can use force to accomplish their 'public' goals, why can't I use force to accomplish my private goals?

It isn't just "criminals" who think that way. Voters think the same way. We have all been infected -- to one degree or another -- by the idea that it's OK to impose our will on others by force.

For Candidates and Politicians, Bureaucrats and Tyrants, the "initiation of force" usually takes the form of. An " archist " is someone who believes he has a right to impose his will on others by force. If you follow my program you will experience the most profound, lasting, and beneficial personal transformation of your entire life. Seeing through the anti-anarchist propaganda of the government-controlled media will transform every area of your life.

You will be amazed. Details, Details. This website doesn't exist to pass out thousand-dollar bills to every Tom, Dick, and Harriet that comes along saying, "Yeah, I read the Bible, but I didn't become a preterist, and I want my thousand bucks.

We offer a one-year "Life Coaching" Program. We want to sell you on that program. This "Bible Bet" is a marketing gimmick. In effect, we're offering a double-your-money-back guarantee on the program.


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