Rippers resurrected pdf download
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Rippers to Rippers Resurrected Conversion. From Pinnacle Entertainment. Average Rating 2 ratings. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 0. Please log in to add or reply to comments. See All Ratings and Reviews.
Browse Categories. Password forgotten? Click here. Advanced Search. Rippers Resurrected: Player's Guide. From Pinnacle Entertainment. Watermarked PDF. Average Rating 25 ratings. At the Nineteenth Century's end, a shadow lies upon Europe The mythological creatures of the night—vampires, werewolves, and far worse—stalk the darkness seeking innocent blood.
Only the Rippers, members of an ancient organization dedicated to fighting evil, stand against them. But to win this battle, the Rippers must use all their foes' weapons against them It's time to take back the night The Rippers Resurrected Player's Guide contains everything players need to create the Ripper heroes who oppose evil's machinations: information on the Victorian era, the various Rippers Factions and the frightening world they call home, new Hindrances and Edges, gear, and Setting Rules for Ripper Lodges, Reason, Status, and more.
Newly revised rules for rippertech allow heroes to "rip" their enemies' supernatural traits and graft them to other Rippers with greater ease than ever before. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 1. Please log in to add or reply to comments. Dario T. Gift Certificates. Publisher Resources. Family Gaming. Science Fiction. Phone PDF. Virtual Tabletops. STL 3D Model. Pinnacle Entertainment. Pay What You Want. See all titles.
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Thomas Shook , Norm Hensley. Original electronic Scanned image These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Most older books are in scanned image format because original digital layout files never existed or were no longer available from the publisher. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter.
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Rippers Resurrected: Game Master's Handbook. From Pinnacle Entertainment. Watermarked PDF. Average Rating 24 ratings. Three years ago, Johann Van Helsing led the Rippers—an ancient organization dedicated to fighting evil—against the forces of the diabolical Cabal. At great cost to life, limb, and reason But in a new evil stirs in the dark of night, straining at the walls of its eternal prison. Its fiendish servants comb the globe, seeking a way to free their master and consume the world with shadows.
Only the Rippers stand against them. But to triumph they must face their oldest nemeses The Rippers Resurrected Game Master's Handbook contains everything a Game Master needs to run adventures in the Victorian era: expanded information about the Rippers' world, including secrets of the Cabal and other threats facing the Rippers, an adventure generator, the all-new Plot Point Campaign Return of Evil, a host of all-new Savage Tales, and stats for all the Rippers' steadfast allies and fiendish enemies.
Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 0. Please log in to add or reply to comments. From Pinnacle Entertainment. Watermarked PDF. Average Rating 12 ratings. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 0. Please log in to add or reply to comments.
See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. Wolfenoot Sale. Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Modiphius 2d Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks. Non-Core Books. Other Tabletop Games.