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Disney shouldn't outright bury this piece of work, but show it with disclaimers of what is wrong about it and let the people learn their past and watch if they so wish. Reviewer: twr - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - March 27, Subject: A product of its time I saw this movie as a child and found it entertaining then. I'm 60 years old and still find it entertaining today. Most people wont find this movie offensive. Reviewer: Michael Gardner - - March 13, Subject: America isn't good at looking in the mirror Yup, just a bigoted as I remembered.
So glad Disney is making an attempt to right historic wrongs and updating that ride at the parks. Reviewer: bebe23 - - February 23, Subject: Song of the South should not have been made I saw the movie as a racist travesty after I saw it in the theater as a young girl. In fact, I learned a few years ago that the actor who played Uncle Remus was banned from the premiere of Song of the South because of the Atlanta, Georgia theater's negative views on Black people. Before the movie was made, Walt Disney asked Black organizations their opinions on what a movie about a Black person should entail.
However he ignored their advice and did the film his way. Typical Walt Disney. Disappointing to say the least! The Black characters are not slaves but free men and women. This movie is a warm, fuzzy comfort for some of us. It does gloss over the social upheaval, bitterness and devastation that slavery imposed on all of us forever. But the movie is not about history. My question is this: who or what banned this movie?
The answer is: nobody. It's not Racist At All! This is a great movie, it is a very historical movie not just in terms of Disney History, but Cinema History and Black Cinema History as well. The style of dresses of the actresses in the film comes from the post North-South War era, and in a turning point of the film, Uncle Remus decides he is going to pack his bags and leave without letting anyone know and arranging a coach for himself.
As Floyd Norman, the first Black animation artists to work at Disney, or any of the major animation studios for that matter has said time and time again, and you can read his intro to "Whose afraid of the The Song of the South? Sally the antagonist puts him through. And through these stories, Johnny learns a kind of love that transcends both race and class. His best friend is Toby, a poor country black kid.
His feels closer to uncle Remus and Aunt Tempe than his own mother, both are whom are black and humble employers of the family. Although Uncle Remus is just a retired old man. His other friend is Jennie a poor white girl, Incidentally no one seems to take notice that movie contains ugly white trash bullies -- which makes it way ahead of it's time.
And if there is anyone who is depicted negatively in this film it's red necks. Of course Johnny's laughing place the place where he is happiest isn't his grandmother's luxury posh home, but Uncle Remus' humble cabin. A love that transcends both race and class. And the people who have seen this movie and still like to make false assertions that it's racist are people who watch it, with chips already planted in their shoulders and are trying to look for anything they can find to point to and say "it's racist".
When it isn't. They don't realize that the NAACP 9 An organization founded by white leftists, which has had a lot of crooked history - including giving Donald Sterling of all people 2 lifetime achievement awards. To this day, the people who object the most about Disney releasing this film are people who have not seen this film. Lastly, this is a fantasy film like anything else Disney produced.
The very fact that the live action sections of the film were shot in Phoenix, Arizona about a make believe Georgia Plantation goes to show this is entirely fantasy fiction.
Whatever short comings people feel this sweet and gentle film may have, is not and was never due to malice but perhaps to due to incompetence. It was Walt's first live action film, and if you read Jim Korkis' book, you will learn about what I mean when I say 'incompetence' and rookie film school mistakes. To his credit, during production, Walt did ask people from the NAACP and the Urban League for consultation and input on how this film can be made and invited them to the set and they turned his offer down.
Fortunately after the ugly scandal regarding Dalton Raymond and his real motivations in why he wanted to be part of the production team surfaced, Walt did let go of him, and when he look at the script he wrote, he didn't like it and felt it needed a lot of clean up, and a black guy did join the productions, as well as inputs from the Hall Johnson Choir who sing the spirituals in this film and The Black Actors both on screen and voice who starred in the film, to help Walt clean the script up a bit before being shot.
Sign the Petition to release this film. Sign the Petition and call and write Disney and demand they leave Splash Mountain alone. Call the National Film Registry and Demand this film be preserved. Reviewer: Eric Hunting - favorite favorite favorite - January 15, Subject: A pleasant film, but a sugar-coated past.
This film is considered racist, not because of anything said outright, but because it gives the impression that the slaves were happy to be slaves and that they were treated like everyone else. Considering the anger, paranoia, and ignorance in many of the comments listed on this page, it's understandable why they would be uncomfortable with leaving that impression. Otherwise it is a very pleasant film and should be released. Reviewer: rfhendrix - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - November 29, Subject: Wonderful family movie This is a great movie for the whole family.
They certainly do not make them like this anymore. This a a part of our history and there is no reason why we should not be allowed to see the good, bad and the ugly for ourselves. But I assure you that there is nothing here that you need to censor for your kids.
Just healthy family values but seen from another time. At this present time there seems to be an obsession with eliminating parts of our history that does not reflect positively on our past. This movie should be widely available to fight that censorship. People have a right to see both sides of an argument without leftists canceling everything that does not fit their agenda. This movie is fun, entertaining and also teaches valuable lessons that should be a part of any child's upbringing.
BTW, you can still buy copies of this movie on Ebay. Reviewer: Brother Malachi - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - November 26, Subject: Snowflakes The idiot below Jcr - favorite - September 3, tells us not to read the comments - while making a comment. YES retard there is such a thing as Cultural Marxism. It has been forced down our throats in increasing intensity since the end of WW2. The Hippies and Commie street agitators of the 60s cut their hair You thought was bad?
Stay tuned for the Big Reset of Reviewer: Jcr - favorite - September 3, Subject: Don't bother looking at these reviews. Full of idiotic crypto fash garbage Title. People using big boy words they don't know the meaning of cultural marxism? ONLY losers, the uneducated, the brainwashed, the stupid, the unemployed Soros drones, and the pre-programed zombies of the Marxist Leftist occupational government who run our nation will think this is Racist.
I remember when I was in school s and the rap songs the black guys were playing in the locker room had ever other word as "N--gger".
You lying hypocrites! You label things as racist to fit your radical, pre-programed spin you spew out to the American people. Go do something useful losers instead of obsessing over a 75 year old, barely watch movie. Reviewer: johnahoyle - favorite favorite favorite favorite - July 22, Subject: A Look Back and Reassessment of a Childhood Favorite When I was a small child back in the s, I first saw this movie and "Dumbo" and loved them both.
I would have never imagined that both would be essentially banned from a majority of TV and film outlets later in my life. Looking at it now I can see both sides of the argument: 1 It was racist in context, 2 and the lives of the slaves were hard, but 3 they were mostly happy and cared for, and 4 that uncle Remus was exceptionally wise compared to others of his race, 5 and that all white landowners were self-centered and lived in big white houses.
Looking back at the history of my own family -Tennesee farmers- who had a few slaves that lived and worked on their land - I really doubt that any part of this movie was representative of the actual conditions of black slaves. I love the music and the humor - and Uncle Remus is a fine fellow.
For those who love the movie - good for you. For those who hate it - I can certainly understand and mostly agree with why you do. Reviewer: Grechen - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - July 20, Subject: I love this movie!
The only scene I think is racist is the tar baby scene but the book that inspires this film was written in and slavery was ok back then and they talk differently back then. I will use this film to help me with my slavery test in History class.
I always laugh watching this movie. I suggest this movie should be for older kids because of young kids say lines from films. Reviewer: Diogenes Unbound - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - July 13, Subject: Why we need to keep our movie history intact Just a nice little piece of fluff that has you smiling from beginning to end.
Much like the fifties when McCarthyism was finding a communist under every bed, today's liberals find racism in everything and anything without considering the merits of its time. Yes, this was a time of segregation, of racism in america but the talents of these fine actors and actresses shows us the fallacy of such actions in greater detail than words or politics could.
This movie gave us "zip-a-dee-doo-dah" which I can still hear in my ears today and thankfully, both Hattie and James became the first male and female black Americans to be honored with oscars for their talents.
This alone should make this required watching. Reviewer: KeatontheZoomerKoopa - favorite favorite favorite favorite - June 26, Subject: Milleanals and other Gen Zs can say it boring and racist But it is entertaining and I bet Splash Mountain was fun for people who rode it. B'rer Rabbit is basically the best part of the movie alongside B'rer Fox and B'rer Bear and the songs are too Twitter needs to shur half the time about movies like this.
Reviewer: Edward Aveyard - favorite favorite favorite - June 21, Subject: It's not banned There seems to have been a large increase in traffic for this film, given the recent media discussions around BlackLivesMatter A lot of people are saying on here that this film is banned.
That is not true. It seems as if Disney has decided that they don't want to be associated with it any more, as they don't think that it's appropriate for children. That's their decision. It's absolutely nothing to do with "woke" censorship. I challenge anyone to find a single case of a politician condemning the film.
All of these film are a reminder of our countries racist past, and can be used as a study to aid in our improvement as a country. I believe that parental guidance should be provided, as this film shows a whitewashed, and idealized vision of slavery and plantations.
Who are these self appointed know it all's that tell us we cannot watch Song of the South? The Evil forces of Cultural Marxism and Socialist authoritarianism are trying to destroy our History, our Past and our collective Culture. Covid 19 is just the thin edge of the wedge. You pinheads are being punked by these Illuminati elite.
You are nothing but a bunch of conditioned, controlled, Pavlov's dogs. The Illuminati ring the bell via News clips and sound bites on TV and you go out and burn your cites and commit violent acts against others. Nobody is gong to tell me I cannot watch a Movie. Reviewer: mstamper - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - June 11, Subject: Thank you so much for offering this beautiful film The forces of "woke" censorship are working hard to obliterate all knowledge of this film.
We are entering an age where it will soon be a crime to distribute, possess, or view politically incorrect media. My advice is: secure physical copies or permanent downloads like this of the books, films and videos you love.
They may not be available anymore soon. Fahrenheit is coming. Reviewer: Avocado - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 6, Subject: Thank you so much Mr. These characters are a part of my childhood. I still own and treasure the Disney record set from Song of the South.
There was a black man that walked up my street and I believed him to be B'rer Bear. I never thought that I would ever be able to view this film. I am so happy that I found it tonight. I just hate that this remarkable film should be banned. I am so glad to have been able to enjoy this tonight. Every body needs a laughing place, like me. I enjoyed singing these songs and knowing them by heart. Reviewer: Biggs - favorite favorite favorite favorite - April 20, Subject: First time This was the first time seeing the movie.
I was surprised by how it ended. I thought it was a wonderful movie full of compassion. Reviewer: racistamerica - - March 30, Subject: white folks You lost me at "plantation" Reviewer: acanto1 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - March 12, Subject: One of my favorite movies I absolutely love this movie!
I rarely see much racism in this at all. This was portrayed in a different time period, with different values. People should really check history books. It's hard to compare time periods with the current values we hold today. It isn't fair or right to do so. Koi mil gaya actress name, how to tell someone you're not dating, cinta lesbian wattpad.
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