How to remove seeding in torrent download
All you have to do is right-click on your file and choose Stop. Some users believe that downloading a video for yourself refusing to seed is selfish.
There are even some offensive names for those who usually behave like this. When it comes to the law, everything depends on the region you live in and its regulations.
In fact, in some countries, seeding a file is a bigger offense than downloading it. Therefore, those who do seed might face a harsher penalty. If you only use public trackers and have a crappy upload then you may be interested in having utorrent automatically stop seeding when complete. If you are on private trackers do not use this technique as it will count as a hit n run and you will probably get in trouble. Time to make your seeding stop when your uTorrent download completes.
If you are torrenting make sure you are doing so safely with a VPN, both Private Internet Access and PureVPN are excellent, affordable solutions which offer great speeds and prevent the legal notices you could get from your ISP if you do not encrypt and protect your IP or use a Seedbox review.
The spirit of torrenting is sharing, so you should share content you feel is valuable, if nobody seeded, torrents would be useless. Check Limit the upload rate and set it to 0 which will change the state from seeding to finished when uTorrent has downloaded the release. This is the reason why so many torrent users find it so difficult to find the option that allows them to disable seeding. That holds true for almost all BitTorrent clients, including uTorrent.
With that out of the way, we should warn you that if you do decide to go ahead and disable seeding and uploading, the BitTorrent tracker community will not be happy about it. Sometimes, trackers will even take the opportunity to ban you from the network. Now you should have no problem downloading content from uTorrent without having to worry about uploading files in return.
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