Rise of tiamat download pdf
Fierce W olf Demon! M essenger of the Void! Come from the Desert of Night, Arise from atavistic depths beyond the stars, And cloak the earth in terror and gloom! Come with Hunger and Desire, And empower me with your timeless force! I offer myself to be consumed in your harsh Vacuum, W hich swallows worlds and feeds on souls of the living!
M y body is a vessel for your formless essence! Come from the Black City of Pyramids, From alien wastelands and empty spaces, And grant me the power to destroy those who oppose me! Rip their hearts and devour their flesh! Feast on the souls of my enemies, And plague them with sickness and misery! Burn their eyes so that they may not see the Light, And leave them screaming in agony of fear and despair! Enter this Temple of Flesh, Forge my Soul through your fearsome rites of abomination, And intoxicate my dreams with visions of primordial Void!
T h is feels ecstatic an d sex u al. S tart stab b in g your body on th e altar, d rin k th e b lo o d an d feast on th e flesh. In the name of the M other, I call Uridimmu to be my guide and companion through dreams and nightmares. S o it shall be! W h en y o u feel read y to b eg in th e su m m o n in g , recite th e w o rd s o f co n ju ratio n : I call you, Guardian of Lost Knowledge and Ancient M ysteries! I call you, Scorpion M an!
I summon you, Girtablullu, to manifest in this Temple! Awaken from your sleep in forgotten shrines, Beneath the blood-dyed desert, Arise to me through the Gate of Sunset, And bring the dawn as the world has never seen! Come from deserted cities and lost civilizations, W ith burning rays of the rising sun, And unleash the dreadful force of the Apocalypse! G irtab lu llu strik es fast an d h is v en o m is leth al.
W h en th e atm o sp h ere in th e T em p le is ch arg ed , recite th e w o rd s of in v o catio n : By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence, And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Girtablulld!
Come to me, Fierce Lord of the Desert, And cloak me in your venomous essence! Arise from deserted cities beneath the sands of time, W ith your army of scorpions, And empower me with your primordial Terror! Enter this flesh which I offer you as Temple, Poison my blood and replace it with your Venom, Through the rites of your noxious alchemy! Grant me the power to destroy my enemies, Rip their flesh and devour their souls, Paralyze their limbs so that they could not strike back, And let their blood turn into burning poison!
Enter this Temple of Flesh, Inject your seething Venom into my Soul, And intoxicate my dreams with thirst for lost knowledge! It can also b e u sed fo r m ag ical attack. In the name of the M other, I call Girtablullu to be my guide and companion through dreams and nightmares.
W h en you feel read y to b eg in th e co n ju ratio n , sp eak th e w o rd s o f su m m o n in g : I call you, Fierce Storm Demon who comes with fire and lightning, I call you, M ighty Tempests! I summon you, Umu Dabrutu, to manifest in this Temple!
Come from beyond Time, W ith roaring hurricanes and raging winds, And bring the dread fire from the skies! H is en erg y also in ten sifies d u rin g sto rm s an d tem p ests.
H ealth , p ro sp erity , relatio n sh ip s, etc. W h en th e T em p le is ch arg ed an d y o u feel read y to b eg in th e ritu al, recite th e w o rd s o f in v o catio n : By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence, And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Umu Dabrutu! Fearsome Demon of Blazing Chaos!
Furious Tempests and Raging Storms! I offer myself to be consumed in your burning ecstasy, Enter my flesh and transform me from within, In the rites of your fearsome alchemy! Strike the world with primal terror! And rise in agony of tortured souls! Grant me the power to crush mankind and human creations! Emblaze my soul with living fire, and fortify me with your furious essence!
Burn my enemies with your flaming lashes, And leave them screaming with millions of tortured voices! W h en y o u sen se th e p resen ce o f th e sp irit, trace th e K ey o f th e N ig h t in fro n t o f y o u an d sp eak th e w o rd s o f d ream in v o catio n : In the name ofTiamat, I stir the Black W aters of the Abyss, And I lift the Veil of the Night To gaze into mysteries which lie beyond the world of W aking.
In the name of the M other, I call Umu Dabrutu to be my guide and companion through dreams and nightmares. T h is is an ecstatic feelin g o f to tal p o w er. In rites o f K u lu llu b o th a sacrifice o f life an d sex u al en erg ies is n ecessary.
W h en y o u feel read y to b eg in th e co n ju ratio n , sp eak th e w o rd s o f su m m o n in g : I call you, Fish Demon who feeds of flesh and souls of the living, I call you, Timeless Spirit of Death and Decay, I summon you, Kulullu, to manifest in this Temple!
Awaken from your slumber in the W omb of the Dragon, Arise from abysmal depths, Beneath dead seas and black oceans! Come with your dreadful breath of entropy, W hich dissolves the foundations of the world, And stir the black waters of the Void!
Come forth with your festering essence, W ith your primal hunger for life-force and vital powers! Arise with nightmares and abominations, From cold temples in the land of desolation, And stand before me cloaked in tongues of black fire, Lusting for the souls of the weak! W h en th e atm o sp h ere in th e T em p le is ch arg ed an d y o u feel read y to b eg in th e ritu al, sp eak th e w o rd s o f in v o catio n : By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence, And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Kulullvi!
Flesh Eating Demon! Venomous Spirit of Rot and Entropy! Arise from rivers of blood, And lost temples in the bowels of the earth. Arise from filth and decaying waters, And fill the world with your venom and stench! I offer my body as a vessel for your black essence, And I seek to rise as your living manifestation! Awaken my hunger, thirst and desire! Grant me the powers to command the forces of death, To deliver plague, sickness and misery upon those who stand in my way!
Unleash your horrible wrath upon my enemies, Devour their souls and feast on their flesh, And leave their tortured bodies empty as shells, W ith maggots squirming in their rotting corpses! Enter this Temple of Flesh, Intoxicate my Soul with your festering essence, And infect my dreams with visions of the arcane and the forbidden! I call you in the name of the Dragon! In the name of the M other, I call Kulullbi to be my guide and companion through dreams and nightmares.
By the Key of the Night I open the Gateways to Dreamlands, And I seek to rest in the Arms of the Dragon, In a dream which will take me to lost lands and forgotten temples, W here I shall join ancient rites of blood, And taste the pleasures of forbidden ceremonies. T h ere are p riests an d p riestesses d ressed in lo n g b lack ro b es.
B y th e w all, th ere is a ro u n d altar w ith h u m an en trails, fresh ly to rn fro m sacrificial v ictim s. W h en you feel read y to b eg in th e co n ju ratio n , recite th e w o rd s o f su m m o n in g : I call you, M ighty Bull Demon who rules the Sands of Time, I call you, Lord of the Golden Desert!
I summon you, Kusarikku, to manifest in this Temple! Arise from forgotten hallways and subterranean labyrinths, W here ancient fires burn on the altars, And where ritual places are filled with screams of sacrifices! Come from the land beyond Time, W ith glory and force, W ith horror and splendor, And summon your army of demons to rise at my command! Raise the sands and gather the winds, Let the world tremble before your timeless power! And stand before me in your primal majesty, W ith endless force of creation and destruction!
K u sarik k u ap p ears as h alf-m an h alf-b u ll. W h en th e T em p le is ch arg ed , an d y o u feel read y to b eg in th e ritu al, sp eak th e w o rd s o f in v o catio n : By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence, And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Kusarikku! Fearsome Bull Demon! Ancient Lord of Burnt Souls! Arise from the Sands of Time, From forgotten deserts and barren wastelands, W ith abominations of the earth, And with monsters born in the Great Below.
I offer myself to be transformed and forged In the furnace of your timeless flames, Through the mysteries of your primal alchemy. Come with unspeakable horrors of the Lost Desert, Awaken those who sleep in hidden places, And grant me the powers of creation and destruction! Deliver death and misfortune upon my enemies, Take away their vital force, Burn their cursed souls, And let their mortal bodies crumble to dust!
Enter this Temple of Flesh, Let my Soul rise on your seething breath, And enflame my dreams with hunger and terror of the Void! H e is sittin g o n a g ig an tic th ro n e carv ed in cry stallized san d.
W h en th e atm o sp h ere is slig h tly ch arg ed , trace th e K ey o f th e N ig h t in fro n t o f y o u an d sp eak th e w o rd s o f d ream in v o catio n : In the name ofTiamat, I stir the Black W aters of the Abyss, And I lift the Veil of the Night To gaze into mysteries which lie beyond the world of W aking.
In the name of the M other, I call Kusarikku to be my guide and companion through dreams and nightmares. H e is fu rio u s, fierce an d v irile. C o n cen trate fo r a w h ile on th e sig il, sen d in g th e in ten t of th e ritu al th ro u g h th e G ate, an d w h en y o u feel read y to b ein g th e in v o catio n , d raw th e K ey o f th e N ig h t w ith th e ritu al b lad e, in fro n t o f y o u , an d sp eak th e w o rd s: Kingu, Ruler of the Void, First among the Gods of Fury, Your blood flows through the veins of every human being, You hold the Tablets of Destiny The Keys to the Gates of the Dragon, W here Liers-In-W aitguard the Lost Knowledge, Awaiting the return of Primordial Gods, W hen the world will reawaken through the power contained in human blood, The ancient legacy of the Dragon.
Kingu, fierce scorpion god, Guardian of forgotten wisdom, Come forth from the W omb of the Dragon! Awaken from the arms of She who holds the world in her timeless embrace! Father of mankind, Give me the Tablets of Destiny, And grant me the power to use them, So that I could rise proud and powerful, Fortified by the primal essence of the Dragon!
Reveal to me the gnosis of blood that is hidden from the eyes of the profane, Give me the power to command your army of demons, To summon those who carry the force of the Void!
Awaken your fire and fury within me, Overcome my weakness with persistence! Enter my flesh and inflame my soul with your Draconian force, So that I could carry the torch of victory Over the mindless ignorance of the weak, Treading upon corpses of those W ho choose slavery instead of lust and power!
Lord of Flames, Awaken my body, my soul, my blood, Inflame the spark of Divinity within, Enter my Temple, And join me in the sacred and unholy sacrament of spirit and flesh! Come with tongues of fire dancing around, Consuming the illusions of the world, And awaken humanity from the slumber of oblivion!
Arouse the hunger for knowledge, And let mankind rise and reach out for their Destinies! Father of those who walk upon the earth, Upon the body of the Dragon, Rise up with your flames and emblaze me from within! Let your force flow through my body in my seething blood! I seek your power, your essence, your source of being!
I am the wanderer on the Path of the Dragon, I descend into the Heart of Darkness and ascend to the Heights of Heaven, I die and arise reborn, I devour and become stronger, I create my own Destiny, I create my Path, I create myself I am the spark of fire that is born in the W omb of the Dragon And the raging blaze that will consume the world at the end of the cycle.
I am first among the Gods of Prey, lam Kingu! V isu alize how th e G od en ters your flesh an d your so u l, sp read in g o v er your w h o le b ein g as liq u id fire, stirrin g th e b lo o d in in to x icatin g ecstasy of sen ses. He faces you an d g iv es you th e trid en t. Co m m e n t a r y : The m ed itatio n reflects th e fo u r m ain alch em ical p ro cesses of sp iritu al tran sfo rm atio n. W ater is th e p rin cip le of d isso lu tio n w h ich d isin teg rates an d p u rifies th e im p erfect body of th e in itiate.
It is th e m atrix o f all creatio n. The Priestess: Ummu-Hubur who formed all things, spawned monster-serpents, Sharp of tooth and merciless of fang; W ith poison, instead of blood, she filled their bodies.
W hoever beheld them, terror overcame him, And none could withstand their attack. They bore cruel weapons, without fear of the fight.
Her commands were mighty, none could resist them; Among the gods who were her sons, she exalted Kingu; In their midst she raised him to power.
To march before the forces, to lead the host, To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack, To direct the battle, to control the fight, She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them. I summon the one whose immortal essence flows through our veins, W hose power has never been defeated, for it exists in human blood!
Rise up with fire and fury! Come through the Gate of Darkness! Arise from unquiet waters of Primal Chaos, Awaken the blood and stir the ocean of dreams! And enter this Temple, Through the feast of flesh and blood! Come to me, Kingu! I call you in the name of the M other, In the name of Tiamat! I summon the one who is before all things, W hose body is the flesh of the earth, Ancient Serpent who holds the world in her timeless coils!
Come to me, Tiamat! Rise up from your resting place beneath the M ountains of the W est, W here the sun descends at night and the moon rests by day.
Come through the Gates of the Night, Enter my flesh and inflame my soul, Through the primal ecstasy of senses, In agony of torture and delight! I offer my body to be consumed, awakened and fortified by your Draconian Essence! T h e P riestess d raw s th e seal o f K in g u w ith h er b lo o d o n th e b o d y o f th e M ag u s, say in g : I utter your spell, in the assembly of the gods I raise you to power, The dominion over all the gods is yours, Be thou exalted, my chosen spouse.
T h e P riestess raises th e ch alice an d sp eak s: W e drink the Blood of the Dragon and offer our own in return, the living essence of Kingu. The Priestess: M ay Tiamat and Kingu unite in the unholy sacrament of flesh and soul! M ay our blood unite with the Body of the Dragon, the immortal Essence of Tiamat, as we offer ourselves to be consumed by primordial Darkness and Fire!
W e invoke the power of Kingu, the essence of Forgotten Gods, to awaken in our veins! For man is of the Blood of Darkness but has the Spirit of Light breathed into his flesh. And the body of man belongs to the Primal Gods, and the blood of man is the Blood of the Dragon, but his mind is turned towards the Gods of Light.
The Rise of Tiamat is a perfect remake of the previous Dungeons and Dragons story campaign. It is also ideal for those who like stories full of enemies and especially fire breathing dragons with many faces and stories full of epic adventure remains in your heart.
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